Three Kitchens Podcast
Tired of cooking the same old things? Same! So, let's get inspired for our next cooking adventure! Whether you enjoy cooking or just like good food, join us every Tuesday as we share recipes and ideas for making food we love in our own home kitchens.
Three Kitchens Podcast
S5 E20: Chinese Hot Pot at Home
This episode is all about learning to make Chinese Hot Pot at home. It is by no means an expert or exhaustive guide, but a chat about Heather's experience trying her hand at making hot pot for her family. As we always tell you, we're not experts in anything. Life is easier that way. :-)
Hot pot is a flavourful broth traditionally served inside a large pot in the middle of the table. The broth is brought to a boil and left simmering for the duration of the meal. Raw ingredients, such as meat, vegetables, dumplings and noodles, are placed into the simmering broth and cooked until just done, and then enjoyed with a dipping sauce.
Hot pot is not soup! The broth is the medium for cooking, but the pieces (meat, veggies) are cooked a few things at a time and then eaten before adding more to the pot.
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Episode Links
~ Hot Pot Recipe
~ Chinese New Year Cake Episode
~ Slammin' Ramen Episode
~ Chia Smoothie Bowl Episode
Three Kitchens Podcast - a home cooking show
Check out our website where you can listen to all of our episodes and find recipes on our blog: www.threekitchenspodcast.com
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